
Hi World!


  • [Jan 2024] I am recognized as the fourth Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning in Vietnam.

  • [Sep 2023] I will give the “Unlocking the power of JAX with Keras Core” talk at Keras Community Day Vietnam.

  • [Jul 2023] I will give the “Large-scale Personalized AI Art” talk at Google I/O Extended Hanoi 2023.

  • [Oct 2022] I contributed JAX implementations of Stable Diffusion finetuning, Textual Inversion, DreamBooth and LDM 4x super-resolution pipeline to huggingface/diffusers library.

  • [Jul 2022] I released bartflax - a JAX/Flax training script for BART language model - which is merged into huggingface/transformers as run_bart_dlm_flax.py.

  • [Jul 2022] I gave “Accelerating Machine Learning research with JAX and TPU” talk at Google I/O Extended Hanoi 2022.

  • [Jan 2022] Our book “Học Sâu” is published by Thế Giới Publishers.

  • [Oct 2021] Our paper “Structured Dropout Variational Inference for Bayesian Neural Networks” is accepted to NeurIPS 2021.

  • [Sep 2021] We released gpt-neo-1.3B-vietnamese-news and gpt-j-6B-vietnamese-news, two largest language models for Vietnamese ever.